The article presents the issue of the situation of people with special educational needs in Denmark. The text presents such issues as, explanation of the concept of special educational needs in terms of scientific literature, general information about the Danish education system. The author mainly focuses on the phenomenon of special education in Denmark, taking into account the definition of inclusive education in the postulate of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the historical outline of the formation of special education in the Kingdom of Denmark, the forms of special education and its elements in the Danish education system. It captures adjustments to the content of education for students with special educational needs in Danish educational institutions, takes a closer look at the phenomenon of the incentive system for the inclusion of students with special educational needs in mainstream schools, and presents a critical analysis of contemporary problems of special education in the Danish educational system, based on data based on qualitative analysis from interviews conducted with principals and twelve heads of Pedagogical Psychological Clinics in 2015. The text includes the forms of education of a child with a disability in the Danish special education system and its elements, as well as statistical data on the topic based on the collected source material.
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