Knowledge of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and the opinion of parents of neurotypical peers of children with ASD regarding inclusive education
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wiedza na temat ASD
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inkluzja ASD knowledge
inclusive education

How to Cite

Tokaj, M. (2024). Knowledge of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and the opinion of parents of neurotypical peers of children with ASD regarding inclusive education. Scientific Journal of Special Education, (17), 280–296. Retrieved from


Despite changes in society regarding the perception of people with autism and systemic opportunities to facilitate education for all on an equal basis regardless of their limitations, it is noticeable that parents of neurotypical children have concerns about inclusive education. The aim of this article is to answer the questions: what is the level of knowledge of parents of 'non-disabled’ children about autism spectrum disorders and what is their opinion about inclusive education. In order to achieve the aim, a survey was conducted using two questionnaires developed by Nowakowska and Pisula. The results obtained indicate that the general level of knowledge of parents of neurotypical children about autism is quite high and similar to the group of primary school teachers and teaching students in the study of the authors of the questionnaires. The results of the second questionnaire show that respondents are mostly optimistic about the concept of inclusive education. However, when it comes to educating their children together with their peers with ASD, the attitude becomes more mixed, showing some concerns or doubts. Therefore, it can be concluded that the general knowledge about autism spectrum disorders, does not fully translate into an opinion about the education of students with ASD in mainstream institutions.

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