Selected methods of therapeutic work with patients with aphasia
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mechanizmy mózgowe
rozwój mowy i komunikacji
terapia logopedyczna
współczesne formy terapii aphasia
development of speech and communication
speech therapy
modern forms of therapy

How to Cite

Łatka, P., & Storożuk, J. (2024). Selected methods of therapeutic work with patients with aphasia. Scientific Journal of Special Education, (17), 169–185. Retrieved from


This article presents the topic of one of the language disorders that can occur in humans. The forms of aphasia, its essence and methods of treatment are discussed. Brain mechanisms that occur in patients with aphasic disorders are indicated, along with research on them. The course of speech and communication development of people with aphasia, the difficulties they have to face on a daily basis, as well as the types of language deficits and their course also play an important role in the article. Work methods were also discussed, including individual alternative methods of alternative and augmentative communication, including the MÓWik system, Makaton and the frequently used Pictograms. The next topic presented is the significant role of speech therapy and the form it can take – we distinguish individual or group therapy, which should be adapted to a specific individual. Topic of modernity and its possibilities of using it to improve and make more attractive the therapy of a person with aphasia was also presented. Computer-aided aids were mentioned, primarily TalksBac, Moss Talk Word, AfaSystem and Scene and Heard.

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